Toddy Cold Brew Coffee System
The Toddy Cold Brew System produces a smooth, low acid coffee concentrate ideal for hot or iced coffee by extracting the bitter acids and oils that other brewing methods leave behind. The Toddy Cold Brew system has been delighting baristas and coffee drinkers since 1965.
As important as those fresh roasted beans are to your cup of coffee, it's what you do with them that counts the most.
In 1964, as a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell, Todd Simpson developed and patented a cold brew system that, using regular coffee beans, creates a superior-tasting cup of steaming HOT coffee. And, with 67% LESS ACID than coffee made by conventional hot brew methods, it's easier on sensitive stomachs.
The Toddy coffee maker extracts the coffee bean's true delicious flavor and eliminates much of the acidity, producing a bold, super-smooth coffee that can be served one cup at a time. The Toddy brewer is also ideal for making tea - served hot or over ice.
What's in the box:
Brewing Container with Handle, Glass Decanter with Lid, Reusable Filters (2), Rubber Stopper (1), Instructions & Recipe Guide
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A Little Bit More About This Accessory
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As important as those fresh roasted beans are to your cup of coffee, it's what you do with them that counts the most.
In 1964, as a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell, Todd Simpson developed and patented a cold brew system that, using regular coffee beans, creates a superior-tasting cup of steaming HOT coffee. And, with 67% LESS ACID than coffee made by conventional hot brew methods, it's easier on sensitive stomachs.
The Toddy coffee maker extracts the coffee bean's true delicious flavor and eliminates much of the acidity, producing a bold, super-smooth coffee that can be served one cup at a time. The Toddy brewer is also ideal for making tea - served hot or over ice.
What's in the box:
Brewing Container with Handle, Glass Decanter with Lid, Reusable Filters (2), Rubber Stopper (1), Instructions & Recipe Guide