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Boca Mocha Java Baby Boca Sample


Mocha Java is a tried and true favorite among coffee lovers. Creamy and sweet - it possesses full-bodied flavor. Read More

Mocha Java is a tried and true favorite among coffee lovers. Creamy and sweet - it possesses full-bodied flavor.

Mocha Java combines Yemen Mocha Mattari and Indonesian Java. This match was made centuries ago when these two countries were among the original coffee producers. This is a wonderful full-bodied blend with lots of flavor.

A Baby Boca is 2 ounces of our Gourmet Coffee that brews an 8-cup pot.  Simply pour the coffee into your coffee maker's filter or a disposable filter to enjoy 8 delicious cups of Boca Java Gourmet Coffee.

A Baby Boca is 2 ounces of our gourmet coffee that brews an 8-cup pot. Simply pour the coffee into your coffee maker's filter or a disposable filter to enjoy 8 delicious cups of Boca Java Gourmet Coffee.
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We won't roast your bag of Boca Java coffee until after you order it, ensuring the freshest coffee possible. Each and every time!

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